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Fine wines


Château Duhart Milon Rothschild*

Under the ownership of Domaines Barons de Rothschild, Duhart Milon has become one of the most...

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Lafite Rothschild Premier Cru Classé *

As Bordeaux’s most famous property, Château Lafite Rothschild has a reputation steeped in prestige....

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Domaine Armand Rousseau*

One of the most respected estates in Burgundy, Domaine Armand Rousseau farms 14.9 hectares of 100%...

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Grand Vin de Château Latour Premier Cru Classé *

Established in the 1670s, the vineyards of Château Latour are some of the oldest in the Médoc,...

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Vega-Sicilia Único Gran Reserva*

Considered by many to be the "Lafite of Spain", Vega-Sicilia is the most valuable wine from the...

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Château Margaux – Premier Grand Cru Classé*

Château Margaux is known for producing some of the silkiest, most aromatic wines in Bordeaux and it...

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Penfolds Grange*

Penfolds Grange is considered by many to be Australia’s finest wine. The first blend was made in...

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Château Montrose – Deuxième Cru Class*

Château Montrose began as a plot of heather-covered land that was bequeathed to Théodore Dumoulin...

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Caymus Vineyards*

Caymus Vineyards was founded in 1972 by Charles Wagner. The vineyard, situated on the family's...

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